Dr. Frédéric Conrod
Ph.D., The University of Colorado at Boulder
Professor of Comparative Literature (French, Spanish)
Comparative Literature
Contemporary Literary Theory Visual Cultures
Office Phone: 561-297-3313
Dr. Frédéric Conrod, Professor of Comparative Literature, teaches courses of literature, film and literary theory at the undergraduate and graduate levels. His expertise in Visual Cultures sprung from his application of 20th and 21st centuries theories to Early Modernity of Spain and France, with a particular focus on the rise of the Jesuit order as a turning point and significant factor for the development of theatre and the novel, and its projection in the present. Dr. Conrod began his course of studies with a degree in American Literature from the University of Paris – Sorbonne Nouvelle and a bachelor’s in Religious Studies from Allegheny College, and then obtained a Ph.D. in Comparative Literature from the University of Colorado at Boulder under the direction of Dr. Christopher Braider, a world-famous scholar in the field of visual studies and theory.
His first book, Loyola’s Greater Narrative, analyses the impact of Jesuit education on several canonical writers, such as Cervantes, Gracián, Voltaire and the Marquis de Sade. His second book, El hijo de Hernández, is a novel in which characters compare their traumatic experience from the perspective of critical theory. In 2014, he has also co-edited a volume along with Dr. Michael J. Horswell titled Baroque Projections that focuses on the continuities of Baroque visuals in the present. Dr. Conrod has published more than 15 articles and book chapters in university presses such as Oxford, Minnesota, Delaware, and UPenn. For the past twelve years, Dr. Conrod has co-edited Transitions: Journal of Franco-Iberian Studies, an academic publication he founded. He is also the vice-president of the Early Modern Image and Text Society (EMIT), an academic research group affiliated with the Renaissance Society of America and reuniting scholars working on the connections between the visual culture and literature. His fourth book, Tango, Tarot, Terapia, coming in the summer of 2019 with Juan de la Cuesta Hispanic Monographs, is a comparative approach to the cultural connections between France and Argentina, with a particular emphasis on Paris and Buenos Aires as theatrical stages of sensual, esoteric and psychoanalytical practices.
With a secondary area of expertise in Film Studies, Dr. Conrod has also offered several courses dealing with 21st-century Spanish and French films portraying urban transformation in relation to social and sexual conflicts. He also directs the Madrid_Creacción study-abroad program, a project-based course in the Spanish capital offered every summer for undergraduate and graduate students, in which students work as a team on a film project.
“Hombre, Claro… A Reflection on Spanish Cultural Narcissism.” Results of Scholarly Work in Psychology, Criminology and Philosophy, Volume 4 (Issue 2), 2023. 104-117. Print/Digital.
“The Old House on the Hill: an American Gothic Landmark of Social Displacement and Estrangement in The Addams Family and Psycho/Bates Motel.” Baudrillard Now, Volume 4 (Issue 1), 2023. 55-70. Print/Digital.
“Vuelos traumáticos, Padres imaginarios y Burguesía Neurótica en Relatos Salvajes (2014) de Damián Szifrón” Journal Etica y Cine, Volume 8 (1) March 2018, Universidad de Buenos Aires.
“El error hecho Almodóvar: Morbo, crisis y nuevas posibilidades sexuales en Los amantes pasajeros (2013).” Sexualidades Periféricas. Madrid: Fundamentos, 2016.
“The Jesuit Differential: the Relativity of Truth and Lies in the Theatre of Pierre Corneille and Pedro Calderón de la Barca.” Transitions: Journal of Franco-Iberian Studies, Vol. 11, 2016.
"The Greatest Collector: Ribadeneira's Hagiography of Ignatius Loyola as Struggle Against Dispersion." Hispanic Review. Volume 81, 1 (2013): 1-16. Web.
"Imaginary Itineraries to the Catholic South: From Voltaire's Iberian Desolation to Sade's Inverted Rosary.” 1650-1850: Ideas, Aesthetics, and Inquiries in the Early Modern Era. Volume 19 (2012): 277-294. Print.
"From the Roman Baroque to the Indian Jungle: Francis Xavier's Letters from Goa, or the Construction of a God." Laberinto:An Electronic Journal of Early Modern Hispanic Literatures and Culture. Volume 6 (2012): 84-114. Web.
"Castrating the Body of Police: Snapshots of an Impotent Institution in Almodóvar’s Early Films." Canadian Journal of Film Studies. Volume 21, 1 (Spring 2012): 104-121. Web.
"Face-to-face with the Dying Priest: Dialogue between a Libertine and a Pope in Histoire de Juliette." Literature and Theology. Volume 24, 4 (December 2010): 331-344. Web.
"La creación de un marco del adentro en los Desengaños Amorosos de María de Zayas." Compostella Aurea. Volume 7 (2011): 165-170. Print.
"Exilios en Sentido Inverso: España como espacio fronterizo en Exils de Tony Gatlif (2005)." Quaderns de Filología. Volume 12 (2007): 195-209. Print.
"Producción y Regeneración en Le Bonheur est dans le Pré de Etienne Chatiliez (1995)." Transitions: Journal of Franco-Iberian Studies. Volume 1 (2005): 110-124. Web.
"Cómo nacen los monstros: el Mundo en Loyola, Cervantes y Gracián." Armas y Letras. Volume 49 (2005): 17-35. Print.
"Babel contra el Panóptico: una confrontación con Madrid en Doña Perfecta de Galdós." Colorado Review of Hispanic Studies. Volume 2 (Fall 2004): 61-81. Print.
Sole-Authored Books
Dream Canyon. Paris: Éditions Les Trois Colonnes, 2020. http://www.lestroiscolonnes.com/auteur/frederic-conrod/dream-canyon/
Tango, Tarot, Terapia . . . y otros trances teatrales franco-argentinos. Juan de la Cuesta Hispanic Monographs: Newark, Delaware, 2019.
Loyola's Greater Narrative: The Architecture of the Spiritual Exercises in Golden Age and Enlightenment Literature. American University Series: Romance Languages and Literatures, Volume 229. Peter Lang: New York, 2008. Print. http://www.amazon.com/Loyolas-Greater-Narrative-American-University/dp/1433102498
Edited Volumes
Baroque Projections: Images and Texts in Dialogue with the Early Modern Hispanic World. With Michael J. Horswell, Ed.. Newark, Delaware: Juan de la Cuesta Hispanic Monographs, 2015.
Beyond Hate: Representations of the Parisian Banlieue in Recent French Film and Literature. Special Issue: Transitions: Journal of Franco-Iberian Studies, 7 (2012). 161 pages.
Book Chapters
“An introduction to the major works of the Marquis de Sade.” Nineteenth-Century Literary Criticism Series. Gale Publishing: Detroit, 2024. Print/Digital.
"The Romantic Historian under Charles X: Evaluating Jesuit Restoration in Charles Laumier's Resume de l'Histoire des Jesuites." Jesuit Survival and Restorian. Ed. Jonathan Wright. Leiden: Brill, 2014. Print.
"The Spiritual Exercises and Literature." Brill's Companion to Ignatius Loyola. Ed. Robert A. Maryks. Leiden: Brill, 2014. 266-281. Print.
"Meditating Hell: An Image of Satan from Loyola's Spiritual Exercises." Death: The Case of the Hispanic Early Modern World. Eds. John Beusterien and Constance Cortez. Minneapolis, MN: U of Minnesota P, 2010. 89-105. Print.
"La Roma Española y sus resonancias jesuitas en dos Novelas Ejemplares." Novelas ejemplares: las grietas de las ejemplaridad. Ed. Julio Baena. Newark, DE: Juan de la Cuesta, 2008. 251-264. Print.
"Working the Narration around the Hidden Confessions of the New Adam: The Case of Robinson Crusoe and the Purifying Novel." Cultures of Confessions. Eds. Sylvie Mathé and Gilles Teullié. Aix-en-Provence: Presses Universitaires de Provence, 2006. 260-268. Print.
Book Reviews
Barnard, Mary, and Frederick de Armas, Eds. Objects of Culture in Imperial Spain. Toronto: U. of Toronto P. (2013). Journal of Spanish Cultural Studies. Volume 14, 2 (June 2013): 218-219. Web.
Carreño-Rodríguez, Antonio. Alegorías del poder: crisis imperial y comedia nueva (1598-1659). Woodbridge: Tamesis, 2009. Hispanic Review. Volume 79, 2 (Spring 2011): 327-330. Web.
Taylor, Scott. K. Honor and Violence in Golden Age Spain. New Haven: Yale U. P., 2008. Hispania. Volume 92, 3 (Fall 2009): 508-509. Web.
De Armas, Frederick. Quixotic Frescoes: The Italian Renaissance in Cervantes. Toronto: U. of Toronto P., 2007. Revista de Estrudios Hispánicos. Volume 42, 1. (Spring 2008): 185-186. Print.
Reference Volumes
"Voltaire and the Bible." Oxford Encyclopedia of the Bible and the Arts. Oxford: Oxford University Press, Forthcoming 2015.
"Marquis de Sade: Justine." Nineteenth-Century Literature Criticism. Vol. 263. Ed. Lawrence J. Trudeau. Detroit: Gale, 2013. 281-345.
"Marquis de Sade: Juliette." Nineteenth-Century Literature Criticism. Vol. 271. Ed. Lawrence J. Trudeau. Detroit: Gale, 2013. 235-341.
Published Fiction
Novel: El hijo de Hernández. Madrid, Spain: Ediciones Antigona, 2012. 95 pages. Print.
Short Story: "Les vrais juifs." The World's Muse: A Journal of Creative Writing in World Languages. Volume 5, 2 (Fall 2007): 2-8. Print.
Essay: "Paroles de déracinés." Cher Pays de mon Enfance. Paris: Radio France Editions, 2005. 112-113. Print.
Courses Currently Being Taught
- Introduction to Comparative Literature
- Sade and Sadism
- Paris: Maps and Margins
- Baroque: A Comparative Approach
- French Theories from the 1960s/1970s